You know how we struggle as moms to get everything done?
And at the same time want to prioritize spending quality time with our family?
Our problem is living in survival mode trying to do "all the things". We don't have time to figure out better routines, meal plans, parenting styles, self care, home management, or productivity methods because we are just trying to get through each day.
Motherhood is hard. Let's make what can be easier, easier.
Join me in self awareness infused practical systems to lead a more productive and intentional motherhood. End the day feeling good about how you spent your time.
Take the 2024 survey to share your advice and win the chance for free earrings! -- Emotional intelligence is something we are starting to hear more of and that's a good thing. According to Dr. Jenn...
A hard part of parenthood is watching our kids shy away from experiences we know they would love. Everything from just talking to other kids to taking a new class or trying a sport. So how do we help them …
200th episode giveaway- 2 options to enter, entries accepted through 10/26. Email with subject line "200" or Share the episode on social media and tag me @mommadeplans -- When you're constantly feeling ...
Once October hits it feels like time flies by to the end of the year and it gets filled with all the seasonal activities. The pressure begins to rise as you see all the fall and Christmas activities, crafts, food …