87. Frustrated That Everything You Plan As A Mom Never Goes The Way You Want? Learn To Let Go and Just Facilitate The Core Goal

Whether we want to admit it or not, as moms, we bring on a lot more stress to ourselves than we need to. We like to plan family activities and feel the need to do Pinterest worthy crafts, nature walks, movie nights and all kinds of things in the name of being a good mom. But then we do all the hard work and our kids could care less...

Insert the mom meltdown where we completely lose it on our kids because we are doing all this work for them! Why don't they want to do this fancy fun craft we spent all this time preparing for?!!

Well, I'm about to give you a mom hack... one question to start asking yourself has the power to eliminate some of your extra stress on a daily basis. Yes, I believe in it that much. 

We have a tight grip on the control reigns of how different activities are supposed to go and sometimes we just need to stop and remember what the core goal is. And our job is to simply facilitate the core goal.

Let me explain... listen in on today's chat...


With bold love, peace and intention,


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What did she say?! Here’s the links to what I mentioned today:

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